This so resonated with me, Michelle Ask me a testing question in a formal setting and my mind goes blank. The more desperately I search for it, the more elusive the answer becomes. You have the same mindset as I have about ageing. I refuse to be defined by my age. I feel ageless and will not be the person people expect me to be because of my age. Thanks for a very relatable post.

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At first, I was embarrassed about my big welcome to medicare fail, then I was a bit depressed which quickly turned into anger at a system that pegs me and millions of us because of our age. Had to write about it because I knew my readers would relate.

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I will be 78 next month and have had many ups and downs with memory tests … remembering everything including strings of words then a feeling of panic overcomes me and my mind goes blank. I’ve been diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment and sometimes with early Alzheimer’s and sometimes not. I decided not to worry about it and ask myself, can I easily function in the world around me and can I still make art, cook and do other things I love? If the answer is yes … then why worry? Live the life you love. No matter what, it will end for all of us sooner than we’d like.

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Definitely, live the life you love.

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I had a bit of anxiety reading about your test because I know I would also panic and not be able to remember anything. My mother had to take similar tests after her dementia diagnosis, and I was amazed by her inability to answer any questions correctly. With any lapse of memory, I will always wonder if I'm on the road to dementia. I'm with you, girl! Did you know Duolingo also does memory practice?

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I think of dementia as well.

And, yes, I have been using Duolingo to practice my Spanish. The constant reminders are annoying, but I am amazed with how much I remember as the lessons proceed.

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You most certainly can improve some things despite age. I enjoyed reading this.

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Of course improvement is possible. It’s our mindset that can get in the way.

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