Teeth clench
Shoulders tighten
Brow furrows
Mouth grimaces
Stomach churns
Heart hurts
Spirit diminishes
Optimism shadows
Eyes dull
Trust hesitates
Ability to see the light dims
Faith in humanity challenged.
These physical and emotional manifestations have come up many times throughout my life. Not all at once, but differently with each varied incident that prompts my rage.
Luckily, not so much these days.
Although I am still triggered occasionally, and these sensations come into play, I am grateful to be far enough in my journey to recognize the value of counterbalancing these states of being. Harboring pent-up emotions is not good for anyone’s mental or physical health.
Furthermore, it does not move our collective humanity forward either.
Faith in Humanity According to An Aries
As an Aries, my modus operandi is learning most things the hard way. If I am being honest, this is the only way for Aries to embrace the journey entirely. Besides, we formulate our next moves by getting into the mud and crawling our way out.
Our fate is that we need first-hand knowledge of the struggle.
My fire sign lets me jump into the flames before thinking or worrying about the results, which precludes me from judging a path too intently until I have crossed it. Subsequently, the results on the other side can be disappointing. I put a great deal of blind faith in myself, not realizing that others involved may not be on the same page.
Aries are optimists, but we also suffer from selfishness. We often prefer to go it alone, not necessarily concerned if anyone else comes along. This can usually lead to some inevitable adverse outcomes.
Additionally, this does not move our collective humanity forward. No human is an island.
Optimism with a Realist Bent
I want to foster my faith in humanity because the alternative is not my jam. I am not a cynic.
One of the ways I have learned to counter those black hole alternatives is by absorbing the natural environment around me, such as appreciating the everyday nuances. Nature is the basis of humanity. Every creature and living thing works in concert throughout the year to provide stability. It’s rather remarkable.
And something that is taken for granted.
On the flip side of the harmony nature provides us is when Mother Earth wields her sword and gives us natural disasters and the like. She, too, is triggered by our less-than-humanitarian actions against her and wants us all to wake up. She will not be taken for granted anymore.
Humanity is a two-sided coin. One side shows evidence of our careless, greedy, selfish, and destructive treatment of the earth and each other.
On the other hand, we are the first to assist when catastrophes or unjust behaviors occur. We step up and work hard to rectify what has been done.
Humanity Wins
Humanity wins every time, and my faith remains in the solid optimist category. However, we cannot get all wrapped up in those positive humanity vibes for too long. Resting on our laurels is not an option. Ignoring the root causes of these calamities and atrocities will not make them disappear.
Putting faith in our fellow humans is the only way to work toward solutions. No superhero is waiting in the wings, ready to swoop down and wipe all the discord away.
I have an amazing amount of faith in our young people. They realize the impacts we are facing, are informed and are taking action where they can. We need to allow them to do so and move with them.
The Triggers That Clog My Thought Stream
When the call to action becomes imperative, the physical manifestations of fear, anger, and frustration rear their uncomfortable horns. Thus clogging my thought stream.
We all know individuals who shirk their responsibilities toward humanity. We see evidence of their inhumane behavior daily as we go about our business, whether at our workplace, in places we frequent, or by absorbing the news cycle.
This is a surefire trigger for me.
The worst of humanity are those only concerned with their own sick and twisted desires to control the masses. Ensuring the populace is kept in the darkness of misinformation or lack of information. Or the obscure, quiet individual hell-bent on seeking revenge at the local grocery store with a weapon of their choice.
As an Aries, I cannot, in good faith, deny the realities of the world. Above all, Rams do not sit in a bunker waiting for the apocalypse. We need to know the score and do what we can to counter the madness in our little section of the world.
This is how we feel a part of something beyond ourselves.
Regardless, my temper still flares; I rant about current events and clench my jaw when I know no words will suffice regarding a response. I am living and breathing the truths that I feel exist.
The counterweight is that I absorb the good that is occurring everywhere by reading, observing, participating, and making sure the information I obtain is as balanced as possible.
In particular, it is important to grasp the backstory and take steps to move humanity forward.
Image: Landscape Eruption, 36" x 36" acrylic on canvas
This piece symbolizes the eruption of humanity in all its messiness and beauty.
In reality, and in the perfect Aries fashion of fire, I address my emotions through art—a solid strategy for staying relatively sane in this wonderful, crazy world.